1. September 2011

Naschen von der großen Torte

249348,2/18/2010 12:24, Embassy Berlin

SUMMARY: Bremen-based OHB-System is seeking a partnership with "like-minded" countries to develop and deploy a ballistic missile (BM) early warning/tracking satellite constellation, dubbed Athena, conceptually capable of accurately tracking northern latitude missiles from early launch through end-game impact.
3. (C) Hofschuster, who formerly worked as a BM analyst contractor for the German External Intelligence Service (BND), is OHB's principle project manager for Athena...

OHB clearly believes in the Athena concept and the work of Dr. Hofschuster, but it also realizes that this program has little to no commercial prospects and would be dependent on government funding. In addition, OHB knows that Germany would certainly not foot the bill alone and it would be very difficult to raise the money from its European partners. OHB sees the U.S. as a promising partner given its comparably large defense budget and priorities on BM defense.

However, until funding can be arranged to start bending metal, Athena will likely remain mythology stuck in the world of simulations.

Den letzten Satz übersetze ich mal ganz frei nach Goethe wie folgt:

Wie auch immer... Athena wird mythischer Stuß in der Welt der Simulanten bleiben.

Die Übersetzung stimmt zwar nicht, stimmt aber.