27. März 2022

Kampf gegen Nazis

Roger Waters: Wish You Were Here (ein Lied für Julian Assange)
Nimm das, Gysi. Und kümmer dich um die Nazis bei den Berliner Linken. Mit dem Kampf um die Freilassung von Assange sind die Linken eh völlig überfordert.

Da macht der Russe wieder mal Ernst im Kampf gegen den Faschismus, schon verkriecht sich die Antifa deutscher Zunge im Keller, heult Rotz und Wasser und plärrt free Ukraine wie eine defekte Schallplatte. Pißnelken seins. Oder Schwanzlutscher. Vielleicht auch beides.

Wagner finding dildos belonging to Azovites

You can tell he's disgusted by the way he's holding it


I don't know what's worse.

This member of a Ukrainian militia calling the family of a Russian soldier killed in an artillery strike to mock them.

Or the fact that the rabid animal thought it was a good idea to record it and upload it to the internet.

The Ukrainians have been uploading a lot of videos like this to the internet. I'm sure the Russians are doing sadistic shit too, but you just don't see this level of depravity.

The man in the video has been identified as the head of some GLADIO unit not protected by the Geneva convention. Doubtful he will survive the war even if he surrenders.


Die Antwort erfolgte stehenden Fußes.

A member of Bandera's "Azov", is Pilipchuk Ivan Ivanovich, 02/02/1985, phone +380987680536.

Someone in the phone book was written as "Vanya the coach loves in the ass" 🤦🏻‍♂🤮

We will keep the address of his residence in the Zhytomyr region, his parents are there. Anyway, Vanyusha is not there now, but if he does not repent of his deeds in public, it will be painful. While Vanya, hiding behind the backs of civilians, is terrorizing civilian Russians, we traced his every move by his DRFO code 3107912292 (an analogue of the TIN in Russia).

Heard that someone has already announced a reward for data about him, take it for free!

Da steht sinngemäß. Die Mutter von dem Faschistenschwein lebt noch und hat auch Telefon. Jemand soll wohl auch ein Wanted ausgelobt haben. Ich denke mal, dead or alive ist in dem Fall egal. Kommt auf das gleiche Ergebnis raus.


The main Ukrainian Nazi Biletsky is in anguish and sadness.

Russians shoot the Azov comrades-in-arms like dogs, one after another.

Der ukrainische Nazi Biletsky quält sich in unendlicher Trauer.

Die Russen haben die Waffenbrüder von Azov wie räudige Hunde erschossen, einen nach dem anderen.

Die netten Nachbarn von nebenan, also die Tschetschenen hatten dieser Tage ja angekündigt, daß sie ab Mitternacht keine Gefangen mehr machen. Ist wohl zu viel Arbeit. They did, what they announced. Die nehmen Entnazifizierung noch ernst.


In Volnovakha, the corpses of Ukrainian invaders are piled up next to the hospital they themselves shot.


🇷🇺🇺🇦 Yesterday, the administrator of one of the military telegram channels received a message from his subscribers (possibly from the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who are against Nazism) that Ukrainian militants are accumulating equipment and personnel in this sector in order to break through our front in this zone. Our intelligence checked the information, the information was confirmed and our artillery worked on the Ukrainian grouping. All enemy equipment was destroyed and detonated until the morning. One can only imagine how many living forces died there. I want to appeal to all network users and administrators of our resources. Continue to collect and share information about the movement and locations of Ukrainian units. Our scouts process all the information received and immediately respond to it with the available means of destruction. Each of you who helps us with such information also brings the end of the war and our victory closer.

Hier bittet der Geheimdienst der Russen oder die strategische Aufklärung der Armee um die Mithilfe der Bevölkerung. Wer verschlüsselten Internetzugriff hat, kann seine Meinung zu Truppenbeweguungen jeder Art mitteilen. Die Aufklärer prüfen das sehr genau, auch daraufhin, ob sich so eine Bömbchen drauf werfen auch lohnt. Und es hat Wumm gemacht.


Hatte ich schonmal erwähnt, daß Biowaffen-Biden, egal ob jung oder alt, der Archetyp eines Charkaterschweins ist? Obama war auch eins.

Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president

Die Lieblingsbeschäftigung europäischer Granden in einem Bild der russischen Botschaft in Paris. Das Arschloch reinigen.
