22. November 2008

Was geschah am 22. November?

1968 – Die Beatles veröffentlichen ihre als The White Album bekannt gewordene neunte LP.

Es wird oft als eines der besten Alben der Musikgeschichte bezeichnet.


JOHN 1980: "Completely me. We recorded the song twice. The Beatles were getting real tense with each other. I did the slow version (Revolution 1) and I wanted to put it out as a single: as a statement of the Beatles' position on Vietnam and the Beatles' position on revolution. The first take of 'Revolution' ...well, George and Paul were resentful and said it wasn't fast enough. Now, if you go into the details of what a hit record is and isn't, maybe. But the Beatles could have afforded to put out a slow, understandable version of 'Revolution' as a single, whether it was a gold record or a wooden record."