9. August 2009

Blackwater - schwarzes Wasser eben

via fefe

Blackwater pimped out young Iraqi girls

The declarations describe Blackwater as “having young girls provide oral sex to Enterprise members in the ‘Blackwater Man Camp’ in exchange for one American dollar.” They add even though Prince frequently visited this camp, he “failed to stop the ongoing use of prostitutes, including child prostitutes, by his men.”

One of the statements also charges that “Prince’s North Carolina operations had an ongoing wife-swapping and sex ring, which was participated in by many of Mr. Prince’s top executives.”

Ein Stopschild an der Grünen Zone hätte das natürlich verhindert. Young girls pimpern versteht sogar ein Deutscher, der keines englischen Wortes mächtig ist, nur das "to pimp" im Englischen etwas anderes bedeutet.