Zur Namenskonvention bei den Ports hatte ich ein Vermutung, die zu 90% falsch war, und die restlichen 10% hatte ich nicht vermutet.
MGC_8.6.263_A11_V9_snap.apk (org.codeaurora.snapcam)
Meine Vermutung ist dahingehend, daß dies die Chipsätze von Kameras charakterisiert.
- Snapdragon
Aus der Faq
- What's the difference between these files?Alle Pakete sind identischen Inhalts. Die unterschiedlichen Namen nur, weil es die sind, die teilweise vom zuständigen Paketmanager erwartet werden, alle anderen Installationen würden abgelehnt werden.They're all the same version, but have different package names (the package name is the text next/under the download link). Every bug fixed, every new feature, etc, is available on all apks, but the package name is different.
A package name is the real name of an Android app. For example, the package name for Chrome is com.android.chrome. Users see a friendly name, but Android uses the package name.
- Why are different package names needed?
Package names are usually needed to access all cameras and/or to enable features like Google Lens.
Some brands (eg: OnePlus, Samsung, etc) restrict access to all cameras. They have a "whitelist" of apps (package names) that can access those cameras, so modders release their versions with package names that are on those lists.