22. Juni 2007

journalistischer Edelquark (Harry Potters Ende)

SPIEGEL ONLINE - 22. Juni 2007, 14:40
Potter-Ende im Netz aufgetaucht

Von Stefan Schultz

Orakelschreibe vom feinsten, Herr Schultz. Mit Verlaub, sie sind 'ne Nulpe. Nebst ihren nächsten Artverwandten in fast allen Schreibstuben des Landes.

Auf seclist.org kann der Plot nachgelesen werden.

Dort heißt es:
Dear my brothers,

Voldemort killed Hermione. Yes, that's true. And we knew that 2 days ago.
This is the end of the not yet published (someone could call that 0day) book

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

At the end of the story Hagrid was killed by Snape in the attempt of ambush Hermione and Ron.
Ron and Hermione flees in privet drive but Voldermort, surprising them, engaged a magical duel with Ron and Hermione.

Voldemort attacked trough the imperius curse and Hermione, to protect the life of Ron fight hardly for more than 6 pages and then finally die.
(boring, very boring... it's always the same story!)

Then, to make a long story short, Harry came up, killed all the bad guys and Hogwarts against became a good place to stay and have fun.

Ah, i missed one important information about Draco Malfoy, he started to create Horcrux (for fun and profit!).
The end.