(afp/bearbeitet von mbo)
Putins scharfe Reaktion bleibt (noch) aus
Noch hält sich Wladimir Putin mit einer Reaktion zurück. Experten gehen allerdings davon aus, dass es so nicht bleiben wird.
Putin made decision on response to Kiev’s incursion – ambassador to US
The Russian government has made up its mind about the response to the Kiev government’s incursion into Russia’s borderline region of Kursk, and the retaliation will be tough, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov has told reporters.
"I’m telling you sincerely that [Russian] President [Vladimir Putin] has made the decision. I am firmly convinced that all those responsible will be punished heavily for the events in the Kursk Region," the diplomat said.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukraine has lost more than 4,700 servicemen ...